Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Girl with 8 limbs faces surgery

This story struck me as totally wierd! A 2 year old girl who, while still as a fetus, was joined with another twin, was born with organs for 2 people, both inside and outside ger body.
But what really touched me is the way the Indians are handling it. For example, the owners of the hospital he's in have decided to operate on her on their own expenses, using 30 doctors and a small army of medical support staff and-logically-heaps of expensive medical equipment and supplies...all for free!
This form of benevolence is not uncalled for in our part of the world, but in other forms, like government spending on overseas treatment of the common cold during the summer time!


Anonymous said...

Hehehe! Ok for the last sentence bas sub7an allah, how this girl was born.. walla this scares me

Anonymous said...

Tara the reason why they are giving this patient this much attention is because if this surgery is successful then all the people involved will become really famous. But you never know, there might be a chance though small that they did this out of the kindness of their hearts. I'm sorry to tell you this but people generally are not that nice :)

Shoush said...

Am not surprised that they're doing this operation for free. It's such a rare case and the poor girl will never get a chance for a normal life is she does not undergo surgery. I think anywhere around the world if this ever happens, they'll take it in a humane way and do the surgery for free. Especially since she comes for a low or average income family. Ppl do hav hearts. Plus refusal by the government to do this for free will definitely cause an news uproar.

Allah ygawimha bl salama inshala. Taksir il5a6ir for real.

The Aggressor said...

As of today, I've read that the operation was entirely successful. What remains to be seen is how long she will live after the operation, and how the villagers will react, since they've already revered her and erected a statue in her honor(!)