Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Idiot's Guide to Voting in Kuwait

Now that our parliment has been dissolved, we can breath some relief, and remain hopeful of positive change yet to come. Now's our chance as a people to look beyond the BS and clearly identify who could be our proper and true representative to the government of our country.

Since the 2008 elections I've been blogging about such topics as who to vote for, what to expect from a candidate, what to expect from an MP, what happens when Democracy takes a second seat to personal gains, all towards relieving my frustrations - as a registered voter - at those who continually defy and defame Kuwait's society and democratic principles, beginning with social values, going through the Kuwaiti Constitution, and all the way to personal morales and principles-in that order of importance. I mention that intentionally in order to highlight a very important point:

The Kuwaiti Constitution is a reflection of Kuwaiti Morals, values and principles, it was an unwritten gentlemen's agreement between the families that established Kuwait as a center of commerce and their leaders, and remained this way until it was written and ratified as a full and comprehensive constitution on November 11th 1962. This is how it should be thought of, and this is how it should be preserved, in it's spirit, not just it's letter.

This means that, all things considered, the Kuwaiti Constitution is the Kuwaiti Identity, to deny it or modify it is to admit that the Kuwaiti Identity has changed. Therefore, by derivation, this means that to respond to calls to change the constitution is to admit that the society that this constitution regulates has already changed. If this holds true to those that seek to establish a Sharia-based constitution, then it is an admission that Kuwait's establishers erred, and as a result, all the freedoms and rules of justice and equality that were written in this constitution are, by association, all wrong.

These are the same rights and freedoms that such people like the Ummah Party, the ICM and the Salafists are enjoying: freedom of speech, expression, assembly, social security, religious practice, judicial impariality, the list goes on. Ironically, these are the same freedoms and liberties that they are asking to change and improve upon, but with a twist; Improvements should be in line with Islamic Sharia...or to be exact, their own interpretation of Islamic Sharia.

So who'se to say that the ICM are right, or the Ummah Party or the Salafists, or the National Islamic Alliance or Al Meethaq, or even the Democratic Alliance, for that matter?


And so do you, and every other registered voter, we all have a a right to say who'se right or wrong. We all have a right to choose whoever among them to be our speakers. This is our given right, as free people, and as mandated by the constitution that was ratified by Kuwait's elders nearly 60 years ago, and observed and respected by their forefathers much older than that!

With this power, we can develop or destroy our country and everything else we stand for, not the Government. It is our power of choice that arms us against all threats, foreign and domestic, to our constitution and our country, and with this power we are required to choose who among us is best fit to represent our voices of concern and change.

But with power comes responsibility!

We are responsible to be weary and mindful of all that is within our hands, from powers and right to responsibilities and commitments. We are responsible for choosing who to elect based on sound, clear signs, first among them is the candidate's loaylty to Kuwait and NOTHING else, no political party, nor any religion, sect, creed or tribe. We must choose our candidates based on tangible results, and Developmental action plans, not promises of loan write-offs and increasing salaries!
What we don't need is;
1-A candidate who speaks in the language of Sharia, but in actual fact, is proven to benefit from non-sharia sources of income.
2-A Party that is calling to change our way of life!
3-A candidate who, right on the eve of a new elections period, decides to issue statements calling for some municipal improvements, when he should have called for them years ago!
4-An MP that suspects other MP's loyalties based on illegally-obtained evidence!
5-An MP that threatens a yet-uncreated Government right after the previous one resigned in order to propel his image as a defender!
...and that's just for starters!
What we need is someone that can create our vision into a reality, and is able to do so, politically, educationally and socially. Anything else is for thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I DO!

And so do you, and every other registered voter, we all have a a right to say who'se right or wrong. We all have a right to choose whoever among them to be our speakers. This is our given right, as free people, and as mandated by the constitution that was ratified by Kuwait's elders nearly 60 years ago, and observed and respected by their forefathers much older than that!"

You are doing some amazing writing, Aggz. That was my favorite part. Woo hoooo on you, and may all take your words to heart.